Food Design Labs


A unique experience to innovate in the food ecosystem!

Labs are designed to drive food innovation in companies and enterprises in Argentina and Latin America, as well as transferring strategies of this emerging trans-discipline to all those involved with the food ecosystem. deMorfa offers FD Labs for diferent targets and goals, including organic food producers, SMEs that manufacture and market food, organisms from the areas of agribusiness, science and technology, educators, researchers and entrepreneurs

What are Food Design Labs for?


For Argentina and many Latin American countries that are agro-exporters, our Food Design Labs offer the possibility of identifying areas of opportunity to generate changes in any area of the food ecosystem, providing a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship applied to the processing and gastronomic industries, including new design for food services, branding and experiences; food souvenirs; food waste solutions; educational devices; gastronomic tourism; and other opportunities of our culture and commerce. Organizing a Food Design Lab allows companies, start-ups, and public / private institutions or entities to build an innovative approach applied to any niche of the food



Possible participants

• Entrepreneurs

• Food and beverage SMEs

• Managers, decision makers and other public or private agents and NGOs

• Engineers, technologists or food scientists

• Nutritionists and health professionals

• Food producers

• Food industry professionals

• Chefs & other professionals in the gastronomic industry

• Product designers, branding, etc.

• Educators


For more information on custom Labs